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The Spanish Group is in four levels, ranging from complete beginners to upper intermediate level. 

Level 1  is for beginners

Level 2 is for people who have learnt Spanish for at least one year and will use “Pasos Book 1” as a text book.

Level 3 is for people who have either studied “Pasos 1” or a similar text book or have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish including the use of past and future tenses.

Level 4 is for people, who have been on Level 3 or are at a similar level.

Current Activity

We run at 4 levels, all every Friday morning, which run in different rooms at St Leonard’s Centre, Oakley,  from 9.30 to 12.30.  Each group runs for 90 minutes. Levels 1 and 2 start at 9.45; Level 3 starts at 9.30; the advanced group (Level 4) starts at 11.00. The dates are until Easter and then until the end of the school term.

Level 1  for beginners in the Wootton Room, and are studying “Exito” Book 1 from the Beginning.

Level 2   use “Pasos Book 1” as a text book, starting from about the 6th chapter, meeting in the Malshanger Room.

Level 3, held in the Oakley Room, continue with the study of “Pasos 2” from the beginning.  We are also trying to extend our conversational skills.

Level 4  started with “lo recuerdo bien”, which goes over Spanish we have either learnt recently or short sentences to say in Spanish. The class use "Enjoy Spanish” by Juan Katta-Ibarra. We  listen to the recordings from the book or other recordings which may be of interest. The Class Leader e-mails in the week before the class an article from a newspaper or magazine or book to read aloud in class. We then translate where it’s difficult and discuss. The group also tackle some grammar which arises either from the text book or the article.

We are very flexible and often rely on our more advanced students to help out with both the lower and higher levels. We are a self-help group who appreciate the teaching and other contributions of native and fluent speakers which are offered from time to time. Any help from Spanish speakers is always welcome! There is a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in all the groups.


Venue: St. Leonard’s Centre, Rectory Road, Oakley, RG23 7ED

Click here for website

Date: Every Friday

Time: Level 1 - 09:45 - 11.15

             Level 2 - 09:30 - 11:00

             Level 3 - 09:30 - 11:00

             Level 4 - 11:00 - 12:30

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