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Members On Their Own

When you are on your own, it can be quite daunting walking into an event by yourself, not knowing anyone. By joining our group, we hope to help you by introducing you to other members who are on their own.

We meet on various days of the week, so as to try not to exclude anyone. We usually meet twice a month for coffee or tea in local venues (garden centres, cafes, etc), plus occasional lunches, suppers and individual visits to National Trust properties, gardens, etc. It's up to you - it's your group.

We don't organise coach trips, as there is a thriving Excursions and Holidays group within our u3a.

There is only so much time in the day, so we rely on members of the group to make suggestions and be the contact point for that activity. To this end, we circulate a diary to members of the group, detailing what events have been proposed, which will contain your email address, for members to contact you for more information.

Jackie administers the group ably assisted by Margaret, who does a lot of legwork researching venues and organising events.


Meetings are as arranged

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